Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Wow so it's been a couple weeks since I posted. I kind of decided to stay away from the computer during the break. I'll have some pictures up later, but for now I'm just going to enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. Hope your Christmas went well. Happy New Year if I don't see you :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ok, am I losing it, or does the new Adam Sandler movie actually look like something I would like to see? I never thought I would say it, but this actually looks like something that has a real plot with characters and a meaningful message. I'm going to have to do some more research, but I've heard a lot of good things about this movie.
Yay for Crimpus and friends coming home. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. My test went okay. I got a little shaky and felt yuck for a few hours, but it really wasn't that bad. Hopefully it will help the doctor figure out what's wrong. That's pretty much it for now. I'm sooo hungry!! Someone go to lunch with me :)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

And now it's time for everyone's favorite part of our show. That's right- get ready for "It's been a few days since Les wrote anything so now she's going to write a ton to make up for it." Feel free to skip parts that don't intrest you, but know that I reserve the right to talk about you and the only way to make sure I don't is to read the whole thing. With that said, here goes:

My birthday was Thursday. In a word "superduperohmygoshsooofun." I got to go eat at my favorite place and then Mel came over and we got to hang out and be silly like we used to. Highlight of the day: Mel painting her nails different colors like a three-year-old and mouthing off to online Santa.

Ok then on Friday I got to go shopping. Not a big deal really, but I hadn't been able to go for a long time and I was having some withdrawal issues. Anyway, I got some cute things and found a few Crimpus presents, but what really made my day was the mass of junior high kids. I stopped at the food court for a minute to get a coke a people watch and I happened to sit next to a fairly large group of ten-year-olds. Normally I would have been slightly annoyed at all the noise they were making and the language they were using, but I was in a good mood so I decided to listen. Ok funniest thing ever- listening to ten-year- olds misuse bad words. Actual quote from a mouthy and fairly large girl- "I'm not listening to any more of the f#$% coming out of your a$#."
Made no sense to me, but it seemed to scare the guy she was talking to.

Ok that's all for now. I have an insulin tolerance test that I'm really not looking forward to so wish me luck. Prayers are always appreaciated as well.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Hey Mel guess what I finally found!!! Turn up the volume :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Go me- it's my birthday! I'm gonna party like it's my birthday. Gonna sip diet coke like it's my birthday, and no one's gonna care 'cause it's my birthday.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Poop on my music not really working right. On my computer it cuts out like every twenty seconds and really doesn't have the same overall effect that I liked about that song. Anyway, my day started out so yuck, but it's gotten like ten times better in the last hour or two. I really don't know why because all I did was clean my room, but it made me super happy. Could have been the gigantic coke I just drank, but my money's on the clean room. I never really thought of myself as a neat nut but I guess I kind of am. Mel quit laughing. Oh that reminds me- I've been searching the internet for a clip of "All I Want for Christmas is You." Haven't found it yet, but I heard Mariah Carey sing it the other day so I'm gonna check her site. Yay for my birthday Thursday :)

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well, it was a cold day in Katy and it just got a little colder. Yes, that's right, the cool air you felt coming from the ground was just one of the many side effects that resulted from Hell freezing over. While this was probably the most widely noted result, our Katy Tigers recent game was a close second. After yet another remarkable season, the Tigers entered the playoffs with an almost spotless record. The first two playoff games were boring as usual with the Tigers annihilating their not so worthy opponents. And then it happened. The tides turned and the luck ran out. Don't get me wrong, the tigers don't rely on luck. They're a talented group of guys with some great fans, but luck certainly plays a part and today it just wasn't on our side. They played a good game and continued playing through both overtimes and just when it looked like it would go our way, Hell froze over. So now Katy fans will have to find something else to do on their Christmas vacations and we'll all have to wait till August for our next Katy football fix.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Copied this from a friend's journal.

Once upon a time, C had an amazing group of friends. Maggie was the best friend she ever had in her life, and even though she and C rarely talk to each other, that bond has not been broken. They still consider each other best friends, no matter how many thousands of miles separate them. Anyway, C took for granted that those friends would always be there. Of course, they were not. Sure, a few friends remained. But it was never the same for C. In the last two years of high school, C faced the hardest thing she had ever gone through in her life. It didn't kill her, so she came out stronger, but in the midst of it, she spent so much time searching everywhere for someone she could actually call a friend, calling out at every corner, screaming out, crying, for someone to understand. But there was no one. A few lent an ear, but no one understood. No one.C didn't find many new friends in high school to replace those who had been taken out of her life. At times she thought she had found people she could trust. But no matter how much she wanted to believe these people were her friends, she could see through the plastic layer they covered themselves with. They were mostly nice to me in order to avoid confrontation. So they could be "everybody's friend." If they showed that they disliked someone, then that person might dislike them back, and that would be unacceptable for their reputation. And most of these people weren't even in "the popular crowd" They never let me into the important things in their lives, and I regret the times I let them in mine. I came back, and really was truly happy to see my friends- the real ones- or so I thought. Now one of them hardly made an effort to see me this trip. We had dinner on Wednesday night. That was all I saw her. "Best friends" for 10 years, and I guess the words "Call me after the game so we can hang out. I haven't seen you in 3 months, and if I don't see you after the game, I won't see you for another month" -yeah I guess those mean nothing. "Call us before you call ___" also apparently means nothing. I have tried for a long time. And now I give up. I guess 10 years means nothing. And I'll look back, and this will be another friendship that lasted so long and nobody really knows why because in the end they just... go their separate ways...

Ok- so now you know why I'm depressed and a little disappointed. My friend posted this earlier today and, even though I wasn't a part of any of it, I was really shaken. I can't exactly identify, but this really got to me and I kind of took a look at myself. I'm so thankful for my friends and family. I'm thankful for all the fun I had in high school and the great experience I had at KHS. As we get ready for the holiday rush, I thought I'd take a little time to say thank you and I love you. I know that this isn't very personal, but if you're reading this you probably know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Poop on the yucky weather here!!! Yesterday was so gross with all the rain and tornadoes and today has been like the muggiest day of the year. Tomorrow is going to be better though, and they say that Thanksgiving is going to be cool and crisp. Yay for Texas! I'm a little sleepy and I don't really have anything else to say for now. Happy Thanksgiving :)

Sunday, November 14, 2004

So it's been awhile since I last posted... Yeah I really don't have an excuse so I just won't give one. I went to the mall a few days ago and I must say, I'm not really very excited about Thanksgiving this year. I think I'll blame that on the media and stores trying to cash in on Christmas. It's not that I don't like Christmas, but when the stores start decorating this early, it kind of ticks me off. What happened to Thanksgiving? Did I miss the turkey with the parade and football extravaganza? I guess it's silly, but I saw a house last week with Christmas lights and I was actually angry. I always like to do things early, but Christmas lights in the first week of November is just a little much. It probably has something to do with having an early December birthday. I always enjoyed decorating the tree and doing Christmas things at my birthday party and when people start decorating for Christmas now, it really diminishes the effect. So I'm asking you to help cut down on excessive Christmas build- up and buy a turkey.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

"Umm bop" went the little green frog one day
"Umm bop" went the little green frog
"Umm bop" went the little green frog one day
And his eyes went "umm bop" too
Yay for Bush winning and the campaign being over. No more listening to Ahwnold chant "fouh mouh yeaws." I'm so glad we didn't have anything like Florida in 2000.

On a different note- Ashy comes home tomorrow and I'm so freakin' excited! I didn't get to see her at all last time she came and I've missed her sooo much. Oh and my other happy thing of the week- Sergio's birthday Sunday. Which of course means one month and two days til my birthday :)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Public Service Announcement-Go vote if you haven't already. Unless you're a Democrat.


Yay for cute kids trick-or- treating! We had the cutest little butterfly come by pretty early, and then we got a little Snow White and a Belle that were awfully sweet. Little kids make me laugh.

Anyway, so yeah, fun weekend. I got to see Melanie and Josie :) Crazy kids. Mel's guy sounds interesting, but I definetely think he should change his name to Alexander Hamilton. It just makes good sense. And if it doesn't work out she can always date Santa.

And now for something completely different... Have you ever freaked yourself out for a really stupid reason? No? And I thought I couldn't possibly feel any dumber. Anyway, I just spent the last five or ten minutes scared out of my mind walking around my house playing "try to find the scary sound without waking anyone up or turning any lights on." It was quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever done. It all started when the toilet in the upstairs bathroom flushed by itself. Time out- this makes more sense if you know the circumstances. It's three in the morning Halloween night and I can't sleep so I'm listening to the news and surfing the web. My parents are sound asleep downstairs and my cat, who would normally be keeping me company, is sleeping in the laundry room. And now back to our regularly scheduled program. Ok, so it all started when the toilet flushed by itself. I was okay with this til I heard a strange sound in the hallway near the bathroom. This of course completely freaked me out because I'm just dumb like that. At first I decided to just stay where I was, but then I heard a weird sound downstairs and I was like, "well that settles it. I have to go look." Why I decided to go look I don't know, but to sum up, I found myself standing in the middle of the living room staring at nothing. I realize that this is completely anti-climatic, but that's exactly what happened. And the moral of the story is- Houses make sounds. Deal with it or be prepared to feel stupid.

Friday, October 29, 2004

*** The Real Adventures of THYROID GIRL ***

*** The Real Adventures of THYROID GIRL ***

Off to see the wizard

I'm off to see the wizard. The wonderful wizard of thyroids. If I ever decide to become a wizard, I'm definitely going to be wizard of a one-syllable thing so that it flows.

Ashy Simpson just sounds wrong

Well, I've had Ashlee Simpson's Pieces of Me on for about a week now and it has finally drinven me crazy. Funny thing though- before the lipsinking thing on SNL I didn't really like this song at all, but now that I've heard it on the news like 200 times it's growing on me. Anyway I found the song I've been looking for so Ashlee and her pieces will just have to go.

On a side note, my appointment with "Thyroid Man" is later today. Please pray, do a strange dance, wear lucky socks, whatever you want if you think you can help. Thanks in advance. Oh and if you do some kind of Get well Les dance I want a picture cause whether it works or not the picture would definetly cheer me up.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Thanks so much to everyone who prayed for me!! I really believe in the power of prayer and I think that God hears everything we say. This experience has really changed me and I don't have enough room to list all the things I've learned. Some people ask me how I keep from becoming angry or depressed. Until now I didn't have anything very inspirational or helpful; I thought it was just my personality and that I was in control. It took almost a year for me to see that I wasn't in control and that God's mercy was what was keeping me sane. I can't remember who it was, but I remember hearing a severly disabled person try to respond to a reporter who asked them if they ever think 'why me?' The person's answer was simply 'why not me?' I thought that was a little strange the first time I heard it, but now I get it. If anyone needed a reality check it was me. The week before my surgery I was frantically filling out college applications to make sure I got them in on time. I remember telling my mom that I couldn't think of anything to put in the sections where they ask about hardships you've overcome and disabilities that have helped make you who you are. How quickly things can change. Anyway I've gone on for much longer than I wanted to. My next appointment is Friday at 10:30. Keep prayin' it keeps workin'.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Prayers please

I know I haven't posted much lately, but I have a good excuse- promise. I've got a big doctor's appointment tomorrow and I've been really nervous about it. This doctor thinks that I have an autoimmune disorder that is killing my thyroid, and he thinks he may be able to help. Anyway I'm soooo nervous and I would really appreciate your prayers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving, eh

Ha! I finally remembered what I wanted to write. Yesterday was Thanksgiving in Canada and I forgot to tell everyone to celebrate. Anyway, I apologise for my tardyness and hope that all you Canadians had a happy Thanksgiving. Eh.
Thought I had something to write, but it just completely slipped my mind

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Anybody know how to draw an elephant?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

In an attempt to increase traffic to my site I added it to an index of blogs. Hopefully more people will see my site now :)
I spent a little while looking for songs and I'm having so much trouble picking. I've found about ten songs I really like and I just can't choose. If you have a favorite that I haven't put on here lately tell me and I'll look for it.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Yay for finding a song I like. Turn up the volume :)

I'm trying to decide whether I should make the font a little bigger or leave it like this. Any thoughts?
I've been trying to make a Republican shirt to wear on voting day and it has been waaay more difficult than I thought it would be. Does anybody know how to draw a silhouette of an elephant?

If you live in Texas and haven't registered to vote yet quit reading this and go. Unless you're a Democrat. Democrats aren't suppossed to regisiter til next week ;)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

poor baby

My poor little computer has been sick for the past few days, so I haven't been able to post. I was a little surprised how attached I had become. Without the internet I felt completely cut off from the world. I had a song stuck in my head and I couldn't look up the lyrics. I saw a preview for a Peter Pan movie and when I couldn't remember the directions to Never Never Land I had to just sit there helplessly and hope they came to me. What did we do before internet?

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yay for football

Yay for Texas high school football. I don't think I could really enjoy a game without the cheerleaders doing cheers with a Texas drawl and people wearing shorts and T-shirts well into November. Not that I'm against the shorts or anything. I'm all for dressing comfortably, and in November it's usually still warm enough to justify shorts. I'm so gonna miss that if I ever leave Texas.

Ok time for "fun story from the game." (I'm thinking about making this a weekly segment) Ok, so I'm sitting with my parents having a nice conversation with my fourth grade teacher. We've been talking for a while and suddenly I hear this little kid roar. Cute. Anyway we keep talking for a while and then I hear it again a little louder. I look over and sitting about two rows behind my teacher are the cutest little boy and girl you've ever seen and they're both roaring as loudly as they can. We watch them for a few seconds and then the little girl turns to her mom and says, "Mommy why isn't the tiger roaring back?" I found this really funny and felt the need to share. So there you have it.

For people who missed the game- Megan looked awesome in a short plum dress, and Kalie Franz won HC queen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Kerry argh!

Did anyone see the interview with Kerry where he's talking about how he's against the war in Iraq? Ok, anyway, I did and I was amused. Kerry starts talking about how much better he would have done if he had been president and then he wanders into the subject of Saddam Hussein himself. Normally this would be alright, but what does Kerry do? He screws it up- big time! He starts talking about how much safer he felt before the war, when Hussein was thousands of miles away, as opposed to the maximum security prison he's in now. Ok I get it, the guy's dangerous and it's a little scary having him in our country, but you felt safer when he was free in Iraq? Yeah, I felt safer knowing he was brutally murdering his own people and conspiring with "Dr. Germ" to attack us with anthrax. Anyway I think Kerry's finally gone off the deep end and I like Bush even more. Go Bush! Woo-hoo

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Sorry about using blue there. That's not a link or anything. Just an attempt at patriotism :)


Yay for fall coming soon! I went shopping today and all the fall clothes have really gotten me into the fall "spirit" (for lack of a better word). I so can' t wait for halloween and voting for the first time! And yay for Katy's homecoming next week too. I really want to go and see what everybody's wearing and who's with who, but that would be really dorky so I won't. Does anybody know why election day is on a Tuesday? It seems strange to me that we release movies on Fridays so that people can go see them when they have free time, but voting takes place on a Tuesday during business hours. It just seems like common sense that if you want a large group of people to go do something you would schedule it at a time when most of them are available. You never hear about weddings or large parties being held at 2:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. Meh. Can't think of a really clever way to end this so- The end.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Mouse trap

Well I guess this settles it. I've given it two weeks and I've had about half as many people come to my site since I added the pop-up. I like to think that it's not the message that's turning people off. My idea is that people who accidentally visit the site will no longer have a chance to change their minds. I guess it's like an online version of a mouse trap. If they get close enough they'll get stuck and possibly read some of my posts. Then my wit and charming writing style (not to mention impeccable taste in format and music) will convince them to come back. Yeah, or I could just try removing the pop-up and see what happens :) ::crosses fingers::
band nerd ::cough cough::

Friday, September 10, 2004


Time for a quick spelling lesson from Les. First word- throat. There is no "u" in throat. I've actually seen this one and it wasn't pretty. Word two- hoarse. Note the "a" in this word. Your throat is a little scratchy; this does not make you a horse. Words for the day were found misspelled on the same website. I will not give an address as it may be catching.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pharaoh, you're fired.

Did anyone else notice that the hand motions in the Pharaoh Pharaoh song are a lot like that thing Donald Trump does when he says "you're fired"? I was amused.
It's been like a week since I posted. So sorry. In case anybody's wondering what's up with the health issues, I had an appointment with a new doctor Tuesday. He seems like he might have some new ideas, and if nothing else he wants to help. I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing, but I can't really help it. Anyway, that's what's goin on there.

Random thought that just came to me. Does watching Family Fued make anyone else feel like trailer trash?

Friday, September 03, 2004

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was the most handsome founding father. Everything I've ever read about him mentions it. A handsome guy with a brain. I was trying to think about who fits that description in our generation. Closest I could come to was Michael Parker, and I think some people would argue with me on that one. Btw found out that Mr. Parker is currently attending Washington University in St. Louis. He's number 19 if anybody happens to catch a game. So that's it. I'm done with my rant/gush :) Time to play with colors.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Why don't my titles show up?

Yay for great days!!! Ok so I still don't have normal sleeping patterns, but it seems like you get so much more done when you're up all night. For example, I've been watching the classes that come on PBS late at night. There's this great southern history professor that I love, and he makes the class so interesting. I never would have thought that a class on TV could be that interactive, but I feel like I'm there. Another thing I love about watching classes I'm not taking is the lack of that pressure that comes from knowing that you'll be tested on the information. I always thought that kids wouldn't learn as well knowing that they would never be tested on the material, and maybe that's true to a certain extent, but I feel like I've learned so much more than I would have in any typical school environment.

So yeah, I'm a big dork, but I felt like sharing. Have a great day! Oh, good luck to Josie. It'll get easier you just need to get back into your routine :)

Monday, August 30, 2004


I think that my little pop-up verse is decreasing accidental traffic to this page, and while most people don't value accidental traffic, I do. I'm currently accepting constructive criticism (put it on the tagboard) regarding this problem. I'm also taking song suggestions so if you have a favorite that is clean (we're talking spotless i.e. you would be comfortable listening to it with your grandma) and uplifting feel free to e-mail or use the tagboard. Suggestions on everything would be greatly appreciated. Send me e-mail :) if you don't know the address then you're probably not qualified to make a suggestion. Luv y'all! Good luck to Ashy on her first week.

-See how I put the important stuff at the bottom so that you have to read the whole thing? Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that.


Fun thing- open this website in two windows and you can make whatever song is on go in a round.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


Hey everybody! Guuueeess what. We're getting a CVS within walking distace of our homes. Yes that's right; anyone willing to trade in their driver's license for a death wish can (in theory) walk to CVS. I know I'm excited ::sarcasm exuding::

Hope all my college people had a good first week (or second week whichever the case may be).

Friday, August 27, 2004


If anyone's wondering what's up- I decided to try and fix some things I didn't like. Anyway, I'll probably go back to my ballet pic soon :) Be patient.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Aaron Piersol

For those of you who are wondering who Aaron Piersol is- shame. You should see this guy. He's really cute and he can swim (world record holder in 100m backstroke). What more could a girl want? That's why Aaron Piersol is my new idol/ crush. It's also why I chose this color- blue to match his eyes ;) Yay for him. ::giggles like a schoolgirl::

For the guys who read this and are bored to tears/annoyed- I'm sorry. It's out of my system now and I promise I won't write about him again for a very long time. In the meantime enjoy the music. Thanks soooo much to Josie who showed me how to do it.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Thanks so much Josie, I think it worked! You're awesome!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Mouse in my house

There is a mouse in my house. I've been hearing these noises and they sound like they're coming from the attic, so my dad went to look the other day. Apparently the sight of the light gave mousie a fright because my dad didn't find anything. Now we plan to set a trap in our crap in an attempt to rouse the mouse in our house.

Friday, August 20, 2004


Cindy insisted on having a picture of her boyfriend on here, so here he is. Sorry about the lack of Ashy's mouth. You'll just have to use your imagination. I'm sleepy, so that's all for today. Nighty night ;O ::yawns::

Charlie and Ashy

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Yay for pictures/ random rant

Yay for pictures! I'm lovin' the digital thing. I can take pictures of whatever I want, and if they don't come out I can just get rid of them. It's like survival of the fittest, but with pictures. I'm looking forward to being able to crop things out, too. I haven't really gotten that far yet, but it's kind of fun to learn.
Speaking of learning... I'm reading The Sound and the Fury right now, and let me just say "oh my gosh." If you haven't read it, you should; if you're reading it right now, I feel your pain; if you've already read it- help! What is this man's obsession with non-conformity? I mean, if you're not going to use punctuation then you should at least capitalize the beginnings of sentences. And what's with the random setting jumps? One second they're children; the next they're parents. It's frustrating to say the least.
Anyway, now that that's out of my system I'll apologise to those of you who haven't read or even had the desire to read this book. I'm sure you're either bored or annoyed and I'd rather not be to blame for either emotion. Please accept my most sincere apologies.

Cindy in her sink. Posted by Hello

Ashy in front of a parking lot near Bennigan's. We sound like hicks, but we aren't. Really. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Don't you just love how Cinderella's so upbeat even though she's an orphan with bad clothes?


Ok, I've been working on this thing for waaay longer than I wanted too and I still can't figure out how to change the cursor. I found this cute Hello Kitty Angel, but it's not working. Thus the "argh." It's ok though. Better luck tomorrow :)


Ok. I have no idea what I'm doing, but this is kind of fun so I'll try to make it work. I'm trying to set up the picture thing, but it's so technical! Hopefully I'll figure this thing out and get up to speed. Until then bare with me!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Day 1

Just testing