Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well, it was a cold day in Katy and it just got a little colder. Yes, that's right, the cool air you felt coming from the ground was just one of the many side effects that resulted from Hell freezing over. While this was probably the most widely noted result, our Katy Tigers recent game was a close second. After yet another remarkable season, the Tigers entered the playoffs with an almost spotless record. The first two playoff games were boring as usual with the Tigers annihilating their not so worthy opponents. And then it happened. The tides turned and the luck ran out. Don't get me wrong, the tigers don't rely on luck. They're a talented group of guys with some great fans, but luck certainly plays a part and today it just wasn't on our side. They played a good game and continued playing through both overtimes and just when it looked like it would go our way, Hell froze over. So now Katy fans will have to find something else to do on their Christmas vacations and we'll all have to wait till August for our next Katy football fix.

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