Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yay for football

Yay for Texas high school football. I don't think I could really enjoy a game without the cheerleaders doing cheers with a Texas drawl and people wearing shorts and T-shirts well into November. Not that I'm against the shorts or anything. I'm all for dressing comfortably, and in November it's usually still warm enough to justify shorts. I'm so gonna miss that if I ever leave Texas.

Ok time for "fun story from the game." (I'm thinking about making this a weekly segment) Ok, so I'm sitting with my parents having a nice conversation with my fourth grade teacher. We've been talking for a while and suddenly I hear this little kid roar. Cute. Anyway we keep talking for a while and then I hear it again a little louder. I look over and sitting about two rows behind my teacher are the cutest little boy and girl you've ever seen and they're both roaring as loudly as they can. We watch them for a few seconds and then the little girl turns to her mom and says, "Mommy why isn't the tiger roaring back?" I found this really funny and felt the need to share. So there you have it.

For people who missed the game- Megan looked awesome in a short plum dress, and Kalie Franz won HC queen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Kerry argh!

Did anyone see the interview with Kerry where he's talking about how he's against the war in Iraq? Ok, anyway, I did and I was amused. Kerry starts talking about how much better he would have done if he had been president and then he wanders into the subject of Saddam Hussein himself. Normally this would be alright, but what does Kerry do? He screws it up- big time! He starts talking about how much safer he felt before the war, when Hussein was thousands of miles away, as opposed to the maximum security prison he's in now. Ok I get it, the guy's dangerous and it's a little scary having him in our country, but you felt safer when he was free in Iraq? Yeah, I felt safer knowing he was brutally murdering his own people and conspiring with "Dr. Germ" to attack us with anthrax. Anyway I think Kerry's finally gone off the deep end and I like Bush even more. Go Bush! Woo-hoo

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Sorry about using blue there. That's not a link or anything. Just an attempt at patriotism :)


Yay for fall coming soon! I went shopping today and all the fall clothes have really gotten me into the fall "spirit" (for lack of a better word). I so can' t wait for halloween and voting for the first time! And yay for Katy's homecoming next week too. I really want to go and see what everybody's wearing and who's with who, but that would be really dorky so I won't. Does anybody know why election day is on a Tuesday? It seems strange to me that we release movies on Fridays so that people can go see them when they have free time, but voting takes place on a Tuesday during business hours. It just seems like common sense that if you want a large group of people to go do something you would schedule it at a time when most of them are available. You never hear about weddings or large parties being held at 2:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. Meh. Can't think of a really clever way to end this so- The end.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Mouse trap

Well I guess this settles it. I've given it two weeks and I've had about half as many people come to my site since I added the pop-up. I like to think that it's not the message that's turning people off. My idea is that people who accidentally visit the site will no longer have a chance to change their minds. I guess it's like an online version of a mouse trap. If they get close enough they'll get stuck and possibly read some of my posts. Then my wit and charming writing style (not to mention impeccable taste in format and music) will convince them to come back. Yeah, or I could just try removing the pop-up and see what happens :) ::crosses fingers::
band nerd ::cough cough::

Friday, September 10, 2004


Time for a quick spelling lesson from Les. First word- throat. There is no "u" in throat. I've actually seen this one and it wasn't pretty. Word two- hoarse. Note the "a" in this word. Your throat is a little scratchy; this does not make you a horse. Words for the day were found misspelled on the same website. I will not give an address as it may be catching.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pharaoh, you're fired.

Did anyone else notice that the hand motions in the Pharaoh Pharaoh song are a lot like that thing Donald Trump does when he says "you're fired"? I was amused.
It's been like a week since I posted. So sorry. In case anybody's wondering what's up with the health issues, I had an appointment with a new doctor Tuesday. He seems like he might have some new ideas, and if nothing else he wants to help. I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing, but I can't really help it. Anyway, that's what's goin on there.

Random thought that just came to me. Does watching Family Fued make anyone else feel like trailer trash?

Friday, September 03, 2004

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was the most handsome founding father. Everything I've ever read about him mentions it. A handsome guy with a brain. I was trying to think about who fits that description in our generation. Closest I could come to was Michael Parker, and I think some people would argue with me on that one. Btw found out that Mr. Parker is currently attending Washington University in St. Louis. He's number 19 if anybody happens to catch a game. So that's it. I'm done with my rant/gush :) Time to play with colors.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Why don't my titles show up?

Yay for great days!!! Ok so I still don't have normal sleeping patterns, but it seems like you get so much more done when you're up all night. For example, I've been watching the classes that come on PBS late at night. There's this great southern history professor that I love, and he makes the class so interesting. I never would have thought that a class on TV could be that interactive, but I feel like I'm there. Another thing I love about watching classes I'm not taking is the lack of that pressure that comes from knowing that you'll be tested on the information. I always thought that kids wouldn't learn as well knowing that they would never be tested on the material, and maybe that's true to a certain extent, but I feel like I've learned so much more than I would have in any typical school environment.

So yeah, I'm a big dork, but I felt like sharing. Have a great day! Oh, good luck to Josie. It'll get easier you just need to get back into your routine :)