Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Wow so it's been a couple weeks since I posted. I kind of decided to stay away from the computer during the break. I'll have some pictures up later, but for now I'm just going to enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. Hope your Christmas went well. Happy New Year if I don't see you :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ok, am I losing it, or does the new Adam Sandler movie actually look like something I would like to see? I never thought I would say it, but this actually looks like something that has a real plot with characters and a meaningful message. I'm going to have to do some more research, but I've heard a lot of good things about this movie.
Yay for Crimpus and friends coming home. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. My test went okay. I got a little shaky and felt yuck for a few hours, but it really wasn't that bad. Hopefully it will help the doctor figure out what's wrong. That's pretty much it for now. I'm sooo hungry!! Someone go to lunch with me :)

Sunday, December 12, 2004

And now it's time for everyone's favorite part of our show. That's right- get ready for "It's been a few days since Les wrote anything so now she's going to write a ton to make up for it." Feel free to skip parts that don't intrest you, but know that I reserve the right to talk about you and the only way to make sure I don't is to read the whole thing. With that said, here goes:

My birthday was Thursday. In a word "superduperohmygoshsooofun." I got to go eat at my favorite place and then Mel came over and we got to hang out and be silly like we used to. Highlight of the day: Mel painting her nails different colors like a three-year-old and mouthing off to online Santa.

Ok then on Friday I got to go shopping. Not a big deal really, but I hadn't been able to go for a long time and I was having some withdrawal issues. Anyway, I got some cute things and found a few Crimpus presents, but what really made my day was the mass of junior high kids. I stopped at the food court for a minute to get a coke a people watch and I happened to sit next to a fairly large group of ten-year-olds. Normally I would have been slightly annoyed at all the noise they were making and the language they were using, but I was in a good mood so I decided to listen. Ok funniest thing ever- listening to ten-year- olds misuse bad words. Actual quote from a mouthy and fairly large girl- "I'm not listening to any more of the f#$% coming out of your a$#."
Made no sense to me, but it seemed to scare the guy she was talking to.

Ok that's all for now. I have an insulin tolerance test that I'm really not looking forward to so wish me luck. Prayers are always appreaciated as well.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Hey Mel guess what I finally found!!! Turn up the volume :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Go me- it's my birthday! I'm gonna party like it's my birthday. Gonna sip diet coke like it's my birthday, and no one's gonna care 'cause it's my birthday.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Poop on my music not really working right. On my computer it cuts out like every twenty seconds and really doesn't have the same overall effect that I liked about that song. Anyway, my day started out so yuck, but it's gotten like ten times better in the last hour or two. I really don't know why because all I did was clean my room, but it made me super happy. Could have been the gigantic coke I just drank, but my money's on the clean room. I never really thought of myself as a neat nut but I guess I kind of am. Mel quit laughing. Oh that reminds me- I've been searching the internet for a clip of "All I Want for Christmas is You." Haven't found it yet, but I heard Mariah Carey sing it the other day so I'm gonna check her site. Yay for my birthday Thursday :)

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well, it was a cold day in Katy and it just got a little colder. Yes, that's right, the cool air you felt coming from the ground was just one of the many side effects that resulted from Hell freezing over. While this was probably the most widely noted result, our Katy Tigers recent game was a close second. After yet another remarkable season, the Tigers entered the playoffs with an almost spotless record. The first two playoff games were boring as usual with the Tigers annihilating their not so worthy opponents. And then it happened. The tides turned and the luck ran out. Don't get me wrong, the tigers don't rely on luck. They're a talented group of guys with some great fans, but luck certainly plays a part and today it just wasn't on our side. They played a good game and continued playing through both overtimes and just when it looked like it would go our way, Hell froze over. So now Katy fans will have to find something else to do on their Christmas vacations and we'll all have to wait till August for our next Katy football fix.