Friday, October 27, 2006

I have a cold.

I have a cold and I'm sooo bored! I wanted to go to the Baylor game, or maybe go home, but I can't do anything until I get better. In the meantime I have the worst case of cabin fever ever. I keep driving through fast food places so that I can get out without actually "getting out," but it's really starting to show so I'm going to have to find something else to do. Today I actually had to lie down to get my fat jeans on. Yeah, I know, disgusting. Maybe I can go and just get a diet coke or something. Send suggestions and cold remedies if you know any.

On a happier note, my calculus and econ tests are over so I can relax a little more this weekend. Maybe with all that rest I'll feel up to going to Java Wesley and Halloween parties. I really don't want to miss anything and it's driving me crazy that I didn't get to do SOS last night. A whole week with no cute little kid quotes or stories to cheer me up, what am I going to do?