Saturday, November 17, 2007


So this is pretty much a whiney (sp?) post but I think if I write it down maybe I won't be so frustrated. I had forgotten how much writing helps me work through stuff till I found this blog. Anyway, here's why I'm whiney: I got in a little accident last Tuesday (not my fault- she rearended me) and I'm still sore. My doctor said that was probably normal, but it's so annoying. I really wish that girl hadn't hit me. I felt bad for her because it sounds like it's going to be expensive to fix my car and she seemed upset, but it's been a big hassle for me too. My mom traded cars with me, and her car is nice and everything, but it's just not the same. I can't wait to get my car back, but they said it could be another week before they can replace everything.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I think I'll start using this thing again. We'll see how long that lasts...

I get really self conscious when I write these things because there's no way to know who's reading it. And then there's always the possibility I could make a really embarassing spelling or grammar mistake, or write something that's completely boring or irrelevant. It's so hard for me to think of things to write that aren't overly personal, but still have some significance. How do you write something intended for your friends, but keep in mind that it could be read by the world? I just don't know. Usually the result is a pretty mundane summary of what's been going on in my life. Maybe the deeply philisophical part of me will come out eventually, but for now I think I'll stick with what I'm used to.

I've been sick a lot lately, and it's making school difficult. I just don't have the energy I'm used to and I get so frustrated with not being able to do what I want. I've got SOS tomorrow, two tests next week and I'm signed up for SLR this weekend so I really need to get better.

I had a doctor's appointment in Houston yesterday (not for the cold- this was an endocrinologist I'd been trying to get into since April) but it was nice to go home for the day. I didn't realize how homesick I was until I left to go back to CS. I hadn't been home since the semester started, and I really missed everything. My parents have come to see me a few times, and we talk on the phone and e-mail all the time so that's not too bad, but it's still not the same as being home. I'm glad I'm going to be busy the next few weeks so I won't have too much time to think about it. That's really all that's going on with me right now, and it's time for dinner so I'll wrap this up.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fightin' Texas Aggie baseball A-Whoop! Beat the Hell outta Rice.