Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm just going to be honest here. I have nothing to write about, I just don't want to do my homework. Yeah, I know, my parents paid a lot of money for me to take these classes, but I don't feel like doing anymore homework right now. So here I sit.

You know, come to think of it, it's time for my yearly back to school entry. Here goes: I'm taking four classes right now, and I'm thinking about adding another. I have two male professors- both bad, and two female professors- both good. I don't claim to be a feminist or anything, but does anyone else see a pattern here? Anyways, my classes seem pretty easy. We're even using the same book I had in high school for both my eco classes. The only change in the book as far as I can see is the price- $170! I know, right? Can you believe that? I'm so going to own a chain of college bookstores when I grow up. I guess that's it for now. I'm off to take over the world, starting with room 226.