Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Crimpus time in the city... So I haven't bought anyone anything yet. I have been shopping though. It's been too hot to shop lately. You know how weird it is to shop for Christmas presents when it's 80. And what's with this dress for the season business? Just because it's December doesn't mean it's cold enough for heavy jackets people! I'm thinking about leaving Santa a smoothie with one of those little umbrellas and a pair of shorts so he doesn't collapse from heat exhaustion while he's here. Of course the shorts are gonna look really bad with the coat, and he is awfully pale... Ok so maybe the shorts were a bad idea. I guess we'll just have to hope it cools off for Christmas.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Yay for summer

Hey, I'm back. Sorry I've been gone so long, I've been really busy lately. My final's on Tuesday so after that I should have a little break. I think I'm gonna take government during first session of summer school, so I guess it won't really be a long break. Oh, and I promise to change the song soon, I just haven't really had a chance. Does anybody want to do Bible school with me this summer? Call me if you do and I'll try and find out which week it's going to be this year. That's it for now. I can't wait for everybody to get home!

Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm baaack :) Sorry it's been so long. I've actually been pretty busy lately, and I just haven't had a chance to update this thing. So what have I been so busy with, you ask? Lots of stuff. School, reading, volunteering, crocheting winter scarves for orphans in Siberia. Ok so that one's only half true- that scarf took so long to make there's no way some midget in Siberia is getting it. I'll see if I can get a picture up later. Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Hoppy Easter, hope to see some of y'all over the break.