Sunday, December 12, 2004

And now it's time for everyone's favorite part of our show. That's right- get ready for "It's been a few days since Les wrote anything so now she's going to write a ton to make up for it." Feel free to skip parts that don't intrest you, but know that I reserve the right to talk about you and the only way to make sure I don't is to read the whole thing. With that said, here goes:

My birthday was Thursday. In a word "superduperohmygoshsooofun." I got to go eat at my favorite place and then Mel came over and we got to hang out and be silly like we used to. Highlight of the day: Mel painting her nails different colors like a three-year-old and mouthing off to online Santa.

Ok then on Friday I got to go shopping. Not a big deal really, but I hadn't been able to go for a long time and I was having some withdrawal issues. Anyway, I got some cute things and found a few Crimpus presents, but what really made my day was the mass of junior high kids. I stopped at the food court for a minute to get a coke a people watch and I happened to sit next to a fairly large group of ten-year-olds. Normally I would have been slightly annoyed at all the noise they were making and the language they were using, but I was in a good mood so I decided to listen. Ok funniest thing ever- listening to ten-year- olds misuse bad words. Actual quote from a mouthy and fairly large girl- "I'm not listening to any more of the f#$% coming out of your a$#."
Made no sense to me, but it seemed to scare the guy she was talking to.

Ok that's all for now. I have an insulin tolerance test that I'm really not looking forward to so wish me luck. Prayers are always appreaciated as well.

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