Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Yay for pictures/ random rant

Yay for pictures! I'm lovin' the digital thing. I can take pictures of whatever I want, and if they don't come out I can just get rid of them. It's like survival of the fittest, but with pictures. I'm looking forward to being able to crop things out, too. I haven't really gotten that far yet, but it's kind of fun to learn.
Speaking of learning... I'm reading The Sound and the Fury right now, and let me just say "oh my gosh." If you haven't read it, you should; if you're reading it right now, I feel your pain; if you've already read it- help! What is this man's obsession with non-conformity? I mean, if you're not going to use punctuation then you should at least capitalize the beginnings of sentences. And what's with the random setting jumps? One second they're children; the next they're parents. It's frustrating to say the least.
Anyway, now that that's out of my system I'll apologise to those of you who haven't read or even had the desire to read this book. I'm sure you're either bored or annoyed and I'd rather not be to blame for either emotion. Please accept my most sincere apologies.


Les said...

Yay for figuring out the comment thing. For anyone who tried to comment and didn't want to get a username- I'm workin' on it :)

Les said...

THANKS JOSIE!!!!! Props to you for all your computer genius! Thanks so much for the comment help and the shutterfly thing- it's really cool :)