Monday, August 23, 2004

Aaron Piersol

For those of you who are wondering who Aaron Piersol is- shame. You should see this guy. He's really cute and he can swim (world record holder in 100m backstroke). What more could a girl want? That's why Aaron Piersol is my new idol/ crush. It's also why I chose this color- blue to match his eyes ;) Yay for him. ::giggles like a schoolgirl::

For the guys who read this and are bored to tears/annoyed- I'm sorry. It's out of my system now and I promise I won't write about him again for a very long time. In the meantime enjoy the music. Thanks soooo much to Josie who showed me how to do it.

1 comment:

Les said...

Good luck all my people starting school today!!! I know you're all going to be just fine.